
Class selection is due by March 21st.

Graduation Requirements

Minimum Graduation Requirements 28 Credits

4 Yrs PE

4 Yrs English

3 Yrs Math (Geometry Required)

3 Yrs Science (Two years of science must be completed prior to the student’s senior year.)

3 Yrs Social Studies (W. History, U.S. History or AP U.S. History, Government (sem.) and Modern American History (sem.) are Required)

1 Yr Foreign Language, Art, Music, or Vocational course

.5 Yr Health

.5 Yr Business Computer Applications

.5 Yr Consumer Ed

College Entrance Requirements

*Specific requirements will vary by institution

4 Yrs English

3 Yrs Math (Algebra I lowest accepted)

3 Yrs Science (lab)

3 Yrs Social Studies

2 Yrs Electives from Music, Art, Foreign Language, or Vocational Education