School Profile

Maroa-Forsyth High School (2023-2024)


Maroa-Forsyth High School is a public, four-year comprehensive high school, accredited by the Illinois State Board of Education. In the school year 2023-2024, the student population in grades nine through twelve is 354 students. The calendar year consists of four 9-week grading periods. There are eight class periods, which meet daily for 40 minutes. Each day we also have a twenty-eight minute activity period built into the schedule. Class sizes vary with the average number of students being about 20. There is also a complete offering of co-curricular activities.


Situated in northern Macon County Maroa-Forsyth High School is located 10 miles north of Decatur, Illinois. The school district has a growing population and can best be described as being in the average to above average socio-economic level. There are numerous two-income families with the majority of persons engaged in skilled labor, managerial, or professional occupations.

Graduation Requirements

The graduation requirements at Maroa-Forsyth High School consist of 28 credits to graduate including 4 years PE; Health; Consumer Ed.; Business Computer Applications or equivalent; 4 years English; 3 years Math (Geometry required); 3 years Science (Two years of Science must be completed prior to the student’s senior year); 3 years Social Studies (W. History, American History or AP U.S. History, Government (sem.) & Modern American History (sem.) are required); 1 credit from either Foreign Language, Music, Art, or a Vocational Course.

Advanced Courses

Honors English 9, 10, AP English Literature, AP English Language, AP Chemistry, AP US History

Grading Scale

Number Grade Value = Letter Grade = Number

  • 90-100 = A = 5
  • 80-89 = B = 4
  • 70-79 = C = 3
  • 65-69 = D = 2
  • 64 or below = F = 1

Class Rank

Class rank is calculated by counting all semester grades in a regular academic program and multiplying these grades by the following scale (A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, F=1). This number is divided by the total number of semester grades. The numerical average of all semester grades is the grade point average (G.P.A.). Class rank is determined by numerically ranking the G.P.A. (rounded to the nearest thousandth) of all students in the class. AP Courses are given an additional weight of 1.25 for an A, 1 for a B, and .75 for a C.

SAT – Average Scores


Students Tested - 76

  • ERW - 533
  • Math - 495
  • Total - 1028


Students Tested - 68

  • ERW - 516
  • Math - 476
  • Total - 992


Students Tested - 87

  • ERW - 505
  • Math - 475
  • Total - 980


Students Tested - 83

  • ERW - 514
  • Math - 477
  • Total - 991


Students Tested - 94

  • ERW - 524
  • Math - 509
  • Total - 1033


Students Tested - 90

  • ERW - 523
  • Math - 507
  • Total - 1029


Students Tested - 106

  • ERW - 552
  • Math - 539
  • Total - 1091

Troy D. Holthaus, Guidance Counselor

High School Code

# 142-785

High School Website