Tryouts will be held March 16-20th.
Tryout packets will be available in the school office on Monday, March 9.
Clinic Dates
Monday, March 16 - MFHS Gym - 6:00-8:00PM
Tuesday, March 17 - MFHS Gym - 4:30-6:30PM
Wednesday, March 18 - MFHS Gym - 4:30-6:30PM
Thursday, March 19 - MFHS Gym - 4:30-6:30PM
Friday, March 20 - Tryout results in the school office
Be a part of the TRADITION!

Please contact Coach Mills with any questions at or 217-972-2028.
You may view the tryout material on our YouTube page.
Try Out Routines
Below are videos demonstrating the try out routine: tutorial, with counts and with music. Please disregard the title of the videos. This is the Varisty try out routine.