Student Recognition Survey

November 19, 2018

We'd like parents and students to take a survey about how we recognize students here at Maroa-Forsyth High School.

Parents and Students:

What a great weekend it was for Maroa-Forsyth and I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving week!!! I would like to invite all parents and students to take a survey about how we recognize students here at MFHS. The results of this survey will help us come up with ideas and suggestions to improve school culture and achievement.

The Pulse — Student Recognition Survey is a brief online survey designed and validated by Search Institute that provides practical feedback that Maroa-Forsyth can use to strengthen student recognition. It is designed to gather and summarize perceptions on the formal and informal ways students are recognized, encouraged and rewarded in their school.The survey provides insights into how students, parents and teachers perceive school recognition with regard to:

  • How recognition is given – What achievements are recognized and how often are they awarded?
  • How recognition is experienced – Is recognition perceived as fair, consistent, meaningful and inclusive?
  • How recognition makes a difference – Do students feel motivated, inspired and included?

This survey should only take a few minutes but will provide us with valuable information. Please use the link below for the Parent Survey.

Thank you

Parent Survey

Student Survey


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