Dear Trojan Families,
100% Full Remote Learning Plan - Results of Special Board Meeting
As you are aware, the School Board had a meeting this morning to consider a recommendation from the District Reopening Planning Team to start all remotely. As you probably already know, after a very well articulated 2.5 hour meeting with excellent learning, listening, and discussion from all sides of the issue, the Board voted 5-2 to NOT start all remotely. So, our original plan of the option for remote or in person is still in play. If you originally chose an in person learning option there is still the ability to switch to remote by contacting your building principal.
We will continue to watch the COVID-19 variables for Macon County. Please know we receive modified school guidance from the IDPH, CDC, and ISBE all the time with new restrictions for school re-opening. The following factors could cause us to go with our 100% Full Remote Learning Plan: a mandated school closing from Governor Pritzker; a sharp increase in the number of COVID-19 positive cases in a school building, district, or Macon County; an inability to provide a safe school environment for students/staff due to changing health dept/state guidance; and/or our ability to adequately staff our schools (lack of teachers/substitutes/aides/custodians/kitchen staff/office staff due to unforeseen future conditions). We must ALL be able to at a drop of a hat move to 100% Full Remote. Please have your home plan "B, C, D, etc." ready to go as things can change quickly and with only a day's notice or less.
Return to School
The District Reopening Planning Team, Building Leadership Teams, and administration continue to work on our remote learning and in person plans. As you know, the first full day of doing our remote and in person plan is Tuesday, September 8th. Starting the week of August 31, special schedules will be sent out regarding student attendance as each building will have just one grade level in at a time each day for acclimation and transition purposes to this very unique year with many new health & safety guidelines to follow.
Now that in person is a go for sure we still all have a lot of education to do to prepare ourselves. Attached is a very important document that you should become very familiar with regarding Health Guidelines & Requirements (for staff, students, and parents). Please read it over carefully. We will be unpacking it as we go along to explain specific items to you. I can't emphasize enough that you need to understand these health guidance and requirements. We must work together as a team to get in person to work this year. I have also attached a cleaned up copy of our calendar that reflects all of the changes we have had to make for your reference.
As we get closer to starting up, our outstanding building principals will be reaching out to you with more details as well as posting things on the website. I continue to appreciate your patience and understanding during these crazy times. I look forward to seeing the students in the coming weeks. I hope you are hanging in there.
With Maroa-Forsyth Trojan Pride,
2020-2021 School Year
Learn everything you need to know about the 2020-2021 school year.