Remote Learning Plan

March 30, 2020

Remote Learning Days will begin on April 2nd and continue until regular in-person school resumes.

Maroa-Forsyth High School - Remote Learning Plan

Weekly Schedule: Students will not be allowed into the building to get materials from lockers or classrooms.

Monday 1st Period 9:00-10:30 2nd Period 12:30-2:00

Tuesday 3rd Period 9:00-10:30 4th Period 12:30-2:00

Wednesday 5th Period 9:00-10:30 6th Period 12:30-2:00

Thursday 7th Period 9:00-10:30 8dth Period 12:30-2:00

Friday All weekly assignments turned in and new assignments issued

  • Classes are not required to meet for the entire 90 minutes.
  • Remote Learning will be presented through Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Google Classroom
  • Students who need printed materials can pick up and drop off learning packets at the HS from 9:00-11:00 on Fridays.
  • Students who need a learning packet but can't get to the HS can have it delivered. Will pick up work at homes when delivering work.
  • Any student needing to pick up materials or have something delivered should email
  • If a student misses a class, they are allowed to make it up at a different time if arranged with the teacher.

Instructor Responsibilities vs. Student Responsibilities



Provide resources for student learning and engagement

Add feedback/discuss topics/issues

Set specific times/methods for communicating with students and parents

Reach out with questions or concerns

Provide multiple pathways to assess student learning and create authentic assessments

Commit to and engage in this reimagined

educational environment

Create a structure and routine

Complete assignments and assessments in a timely fashion

Be flexible and understanding with regards to social/emotional needs

Be flexible and understanding as Instructors navigate this new territory

Communication Plan

  • Teachers will communicate with students and parents through their normal platforms (email, Remind, Google Classroom, phone calls, etc .)
  • Weekly email will be sent by principal to all students and parents with weekly updates and reminders.
  • The High School will also use social media to connect with students and parents.
  • Teachers will do their best to respond to students within one day of the original communication.

Spring 2020 Grading

  • There are factors outside of the control of the school system with learning being moved off site; therefore, the aim is that student grades are not lowered as a result of Remote Learning.
  • Grades for Spring 2020 semester will be reported on a Pass/Incomplete basis.
    • There will be no Final Exams for the Spring 2020 semester.
  • Students who are unable to complete or decide not to complete the instructional remote learning activities in a timely fashion will be issued an incomplete.
    • Students with an incomplete will be given time to make up work when we return to back to regular in-person school.
    • If work is not made up,the student will be required to retake the class.
  • The only courses that grades will be given are the AP courses due to these courses having weighted grades.
    • The students grade cannot decrease from the current grade but if work is not completed, the course could be marked as incomplete.
    • Students can improve grades as they demonstrate proficiency/mastery/attainment of prior and future skills work

Mandated State Testing

  • All mandated state testing has been cancelled for the 2020 school year. This includes:
    • SAT
    • PSAT
    • Illinois Science Assessment
    • US and State Constitution Test

Heartland Tech Academy

  • Heartland Tech Academy will be in contact with Tech Students about their Remote Learning Responsibilities.

Dual Credit Courses

  • Richland Community College will be in contact with Dual Credit students about Remote Learning. Richland has moved to all on-line courses for the remainder of the school year.

Advanced Placement Courses

  • All AP test will be given on-line this semester

Drivers Education

  • There will be no behind the wheel driver's education until we return to school. Once we are cleared by the state, a new driving schedule will be completed. Summer driving will be available.


  • @MaroaForsythHS

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