Illinois FAME – Prairie Land

November 01, 2024

The Illinois Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (Illinois FAME) is a new program sponsored by AGCO/GSI, ADM, Mueller, and voestalpine Railway Systems Nortrak to encourage seniors getting ready to graduate who have a passion for technical training to start this program after they graduate high school.

The program is a total of 65 college credit hours and 1,800 on the job training hours that will conclude with industry certifications and an associates degree in AAS Engineering Technology specialized in Advanced Manufacturing. Also, the floor wage for this program is $18.00 and the students will work 3 days a week for their manufacturing selection and attend Richland Community College 2 days a week. All students will be required to pass their Richland courses with a C or higher for both technical and general education courses. Anyone interested may contact Hannah King at for additional information. The application QR code is on the informational flyer.

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