Boys Basketball 12/21/18 St. Teresa Holiday Tournament

December 10, 2018

Get all the info for the tourney here!

2018 St. Teresa Christmas Tournament

Sponsored by J.L. Hubbard Insurance and Bonds

Hosted by St. Teresa High School

December 21, 22, 27, 28

St. Teresa High School would like to welcome you, your students, and your fans to the 13th Annual St. Teresa Christmas Tournament. We look forward to making the tournament a great experience for you and your team. We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and best of luck in the tournament.

PLAYING SCHEDULE (Note: we will not begin games early. Teams will get a minimum of 15 minutes for warm ups.)

Home team is listed first

December 21st

Game #1 3:30 St. Teresa vs Mt. Pulaski

Game #2 5:00 Riverton vs A-L-A-H

Game #3 6:30 Heyworth vs Maroa-Forsyth

Game #4 8:00 LSA vs Hartem

December 22nd

Game #5 3:00 Hartem vs Heyworth

Game #6 4:30 Maroa-Forsyth vs LSA

Game #7 6:00 Mt. Pulaski vs Riverton

Game #8 7:30 A-L-A-H vs St. Teresa

December 27th

Game #9 3:00 Mt. Pulaski vs A-L-A-H

Game #10 4:30 Maroa-Forsyth vs Hartem

Game #11 6:00 St. Teresa vs Riverton

Game #12 7:30 LSA vs Heyworth

December 28th

Game #13 3:00 Orange Pool #4 vs Blue Pool #4

Game #14 4:30 Orange Pool #3 vs Blue Pool #3

Game #15 6:00 Orange Pool #2 vs Blue Pool #2 (3rd Place)

Game #16 7:30 Orange Pool #1 vs Blue Pool #1 (Championship)

Tiebreakers: 1st Head to Head 2nd Free Throw Percentage 3rd Coin Flip


All tickets will be sold on game day and will go on sale beginning 30 minutes before the first game each day.

No regular season passes will be accepted.

$4 for Adults , $3 for High School Students, & $1 for Children (Jr High and younger) and Seniors (60+).


Programs will be available at each entrance with information about the tournament.


There will be no reserved seats or advanced ticket sales. A section of bleachers will be marked for your fans for each game your team plays. Spectators who leave the building must get their hand stamped.

Spectator Parking

Spectators may use the north or south lots on campus or across the street in front of the U-Haul building. Any vehicles not parked in designated spaces will be towed at the owner’s expense.


Each school will be responsible for costs incurred in replacing or repairing damages to property or equipment by fans or players from your school.


IHSA Rules will apply.

Officials’ decisions will be final.


Each school is to conduct themselves responsibly whether participating in a game or as a spectator. A faculty representative must be present at all times your team is in attendance. Good sportsmanship is a top priority to the success of a tournament.


Signs may be used in the crowd if they do not obstruct views, interfere with play, and are in good taste. No radios may be played. Noisemakers of any kind areprohibited, including Cheerleading Megaphones. Megaphones will not be allowed in the gym. Pep bands are prohibited other than the host school.


Concessions will be available in the foyer outside the gym.


Smoking is PROHIBITED on any school grounds at St. Teresa High School.


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