Homecoming Dance Guests

September 10, 2018

Guests attending homecoming need this form filled out for approval.

All guests must be 20 years of age or younger to attend.

  • Any guest from another high school needs to fill out this request form with a signature of the MFHS student, the MFHS student’s parent/guardian, and the guest’s administrator from their respective school.
  • Any guest attending who is a college student needs to fill out this request form with a signature of the MFHS student and a signature from the parent/guardian of the MFHS student.
  • Any guest who is a non-student needs to fill out this request form with the signature of the MFHS student, the MFHS student’s parent/guardian, and the name of their employer, if applicable.

Guest request forms must be approved by the Administration before dance tickets can be purchased. All request forms must be turned in to the high school office by Thursday the week of the dance to ensure sufficient time to approve forms.

Download Guest Request Form


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